Assisting with an Epinephrine Auto Injector

Assisting with an Epinephrine Auto Injector

  • Always read and follow the manufacturer instructions printed on the injector.
  • Check the label on the auto injector. 
  • If the medicine is visible, check to ensure it is clear and not cloudy.
  • If the medicine is expired or cloudy do not use it.
  • Have the person locate the outer middle of one thigh to use as the injection site.
  • Make sure there is nothing in the way such as seams of items in any pockets.

Hold the auto injector firmly in one hand and pull off the safety cap with the other.

Have the person hold the tip of the auto injector (the end with the needle) against their outer thigh so that it is at a 90 degree angle to the thigh.

  • Have the person quickly and firmly push the tip straight into their thigh.
  • Have the person hold the auto injector in place for the recommended amount of time.
  • Have the person remove the auto injector from their thigh.
  • Massage or have the person massage the injection site for several seconds.
  • Check and watch the person’s condition to see how they respond to the medication.
  • If the person is still having signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis 5 to 10 minutes after administering a first dose, and emergency responders have not arrived, help the person administer a second dose.